The weather was great, and around 45 area VT alumni enjoyed the meal and program at Landfall Lodge in Frederick Co., Va. on Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023!
Generous Hokies overflowed the “Hokies for the Hungry”bin!
Ben Grove, Associate Director of Strategy and Administration for Virginia Cooperative Extension, gave an informative talk about Virginia Tech and the Cooperative Extension’s place there, and in around the state helping citizens in agricultural and other pursuits. He called the C.E. the “front door” of the University.
After Ben, Mark Sutphin, our local Extension Agent for commercial horticulture located in Winchester/Frederick Co., spoke to us about his work with not only identifying lantern flies, but so much more!
Shaffers Barbecue did not disappoint with their ham and stuffed turkey, and all the rest! After our meal, we enjoyed Hokie Tracks Ice Cream for dessert! After the social, Landfall Lodge took all the leftover food and ready-to-eat food from out collection bin to C-CAP, a Food Pantry in Winchester, Va., to distribute to our poorest citizens.